Sunday, May 6, 2012

Butterflies from Germany

Schmetterlinge (Butterflies)

Tagpfauenauge  (Peacock)
Zitronenfalter (Brimstone)
Distelfalter (Painted Lady)
Kleiner Schillerfalter (Small Purple Emperor)
Admiral (Admiral)
Kohlweißling (Cabbage white)
Kaisermantel (Fritillary)
Braunauge (Brown Eye)
Dukatenfalter (Scarce Copper)
Postillion (Postillion)
Sommer-Landkartchen (Summer Landkärtchen)
Resedenfalter (Resedenfalter)
Schwarzflecken-Blauling (Black's Blue Stains)
Schwalbenschwanz (Dovetail)

All the words on the right are from an on-line translator.  So I don't know if that is the name of the butterfly in English, or if it is just what the word translates to. My guess would be a little of both.

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